RAFA - Tell Me (ft. lullaboy)| ♫ Copyright Free Music

Vexento - Dream Catcher | 1 Hour Battle Music

Free songs for you! Enjoy the music ♥
Download: soundcloud.com/vexento/vexento-dream-catcher
• Subscribe for more copyright free tracks: bit.ly/1ovvfR7

FMW is promoting free music (no copyright songs), which you can use for your YouTube videos!
Or listen to our 1 hour versions while gaming or simply to relax! :-)

Wallpaper: images8.alphacoders.com/415/415511.jpg
— You would like to use the song in your video? You must give credit.
Put the following into your description:

Song: Vexento — Dream Catcher
Music Link: youtu.be/vSAL1baF4sI
Vexento on YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/Vexento
Vexento on Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/vexento

Teen Asty - L.O.V.E [ Royalty Free Music ]

Teen Asty — L.O.V.E

Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/2QHt5ZuVT15P4B2c4PCLa5?si=qec22MUmTbeW70a773myrA

Follow me:

Youtube: www.youtube.com/TeenAsty
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TeenAstyOfficial
Twitter: twitter.com/teen_asty
Instagram: www.instagram.com/teen_asty/
Reverbnation: www.reverbnation.com/TeenAstyOfficial

— Lifes Only Valuable Emotion — Like, Comment and hit that subscribe button if you liked the song ^_^

If you want to use this song in your YouTube Videos just copy this to your description:

Song: Teen Asty — L.O.V.E
Watch: youtu.be/JFiOhInuNAo

Consider becoming a Patreon ^_^
Tips are greatly appreciated but not necessary at all =)


Four Tet - Sixteen Oceans (Full Album)

♛ LC. – Lord Of Chill.

☞ Facebook: fb.me/lordofchill

☞ Subscribe: goo.gl/F93S5W

☞ Demos: lcthoughts@gmail.com

⚜ Four Tet:

◆ Facebook: fb.me/FourTetKieran

◆ Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/four-tet

◆ Website: fourtet.net

⚜ Text Records:

◆ Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/textrecords

☞ Support the artist! Buy the song here:

◆ Bandcamp: bit.ly/2IF2Hnw

◆ For copyright issues, please send a mail here:
